Generational Companies Are Built Through Generational Distribution

Learn how NewForm is pioneering the next collective.
Unlocked real-time marketing through telegraphs.
Built trust across millions through the Coca Cola Radio Hour.
unlocked Segmented Marketing broad, flexible targeting of audiences on TV.
Visually captivated audiences through “Colgate Comedy Hour”.
Pioneered direct-response marketing
Led targeted ads using cookies
Hacked through viral email loops
Achieved hyper-growth with influencer marketing
Leveraged product loops like "this person sent you money"
unlocked real-time marketing through telegraphs.
built trust across millions through the Coca Cola Radio Hour.
visually captivated audiences through “Colgate Comedy Hour”.
unlocked Segmented Marketing broad, flexible targeting of audiences on TV.
pioneered direct-response marketing.
led targeted ads using cookies
hacked through viral email loops
leveraged product loops like "this person sent you money"
achieved hyper-growth with influencer marketing
unlocked real-time marketing through telegraphs.
visually captivated audiences through “Colgate Comedy Hour”.
pioneered direct-response marketing.
hacked through viral email loops
achieved hyper-growth with influencer marketing
built trust across millions through the Coca Cola Radio Hour.
unlocked Segmented Marketing broad, flexible targeting of audiences on TV.
led targeted ads using cookies
leveraged product loops like "this person sent you money"

Short-form is the NewForm

and we’re building the next category disruptors are with it.
6 hours 40 minutes
average screen time in 2024

Global average screen time is 6 hours and 40 minutes - 6 hours of scrolling, liking, engaging, and converting. 90% of this through short-form. And with an over-saturation of competition vying for eyeballs, it is authenticity that matters most.

We believe that content is the targeting. Focusing on this not only allows you to not only find users, but power those users who deeply want your product through the content alone.

Who we are

We’re non-marketers: engineers, bankers, designers and filmmakers who see things differently.
Hamza Almsamraee
Co-Founder, CEO
Hamza Almsamraee
Co-Founder, CEO
Former Consumer founder (see casestudy), Hamza started by writing a math book.
Andrew Presser
Co-Founder, COO
Andrew Presser
Co-Founder, COO
Early career in esoteric markets: ran a coral farm (yes the sea animals), traded spot-market electricity, and most recently ran a private credit desk overseeing over $250mm of tech financings.
Alec Velikanov
Co-Founder, CTO
Alec Velikanov
Co-Founder, CTO
Former founder and CTO of multiple venture backed tech and AI companies

We have an exceptional team of operators, designers, and chronically-online growth hackers. Our creators are full-time with us which means they have full skin in the game - they learn and grow with your product as you do.

Our in-house technical team allows for control over the most important independent variable - the creator. We prioritize our creators above all, focusing on technical expertise and specialty in performance creative, not influencer creative.

We come from all over, including:

NewForm is pioneering the way companies grow.

Let’s Grow Together
Scale with NewForm
Scale with NewForm
Scale with NewForm